The Pembroke Family Advantage Program is designed to benefit the families of our clients. The Program enables you to extend many of the Pembroke benefits that you enjoy to virtually all members of your family. Furthermore, the Program allows all families enrolled to use the combined value of family holdings to determine management fees.

Now daughters and sons, nephews and nieces, brothers and sisters, life partners, grandparents and other family members can all benefit from their combined account size regardless of their age or address. This innovative approach exceeds industry standards and will benefit many of our existing clients.

If the aggregate assets held by the family members enrolled in the Program meet certain thresholds (detailed below), Pembroke will apply the corresponding fee schedule to all accounts, regardless of account size or account type. While all members of the family benefit from the same fee, the information associated with each account will be kept confidential.

Fund Under $1M $1-5M $5-10M
Canadian Growth Funds 1.70% 1.50% 1.00%
Dividend, US, Concentrated & International Growth Funds 1.50% 1.50% 1.00%
GBC Global Balanced Fund 1.30% 1.00% 0.75%
GBC Growth and Income Fund 1.30% 1.20% 0.85%
GBC Canadian Bond Fund 0.65% 0.50% 0.40%
GBC Corporate Bond Fund 0.75% 0.60% 0.50%
GBC Money Market Fund 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%

*Further fee discounts may apply for amounts above $10 million.

How do I get started?

  • Each family must select a primary contact who will be responsible for managing the family’s involvement with the Program. This person will act as the lead and will be responsible for coordinating with other family members to collect the appropriate paperwork.
  • To take full advantage of the Program, we recommend that you identify all family members that can be included in the grouping of assets. Unfortunately, we cannot provide this information due to confidentiality issues.
  • Once the primary contact has been selected and the list of family members (and their relationship to the primary contact) has been finalized, please let us know so your Pembroke representative can start collecting the appropriate paperwork.
  • After all family members have been enrolled, the fee schedule that will be applied to all accounts will be determined based on the aggregate assets held by the family.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to mail the original, signed form?No, Pembroke will accept email scans of the completed forms. There is no requirement to send original documentation in the mail.

Q: Who can be included in the Program?Parents, grandparents, siblings, in-laws and their families, former spouses, children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews aunts and uncles, and anyone who is living with a family member.

Q: What if the value of the family’s aggregate assets exceeds the fee thresholds through growth or additional investments?The new fee schedule will be applied automatically to all accounts enrolled in the Program.

Q: What if the value of the family’s aggregate assets falls below the fee thresholds?If the size of a family’s relationship falls below certain thresholds due to a decline in market value, the fees will remain unchanged, so long as no redemptions take place. If the size of the family’s relationship falls below certain thresholds due to a redemption by any member of the family, the standard fee schedule shall apply. Please note that management fees and statutory redemptions from a registered account will not be considered as a redemption.

Q:  What if the value of the family’s aggregate equity assets exceeds the $10 million threshold indicated in the fee schedule?Further fee discounts may apply for amounts above $10 million. Please contact your Pembroke representative for further information.