

A Word from the Pembroke Team

Periods of declining stock and bond markets challenge investors and investment firms alike. In recent months, the emotional toll of declining stock and bond markets has been compounded by the rapid spread of new COVID variants, continued depressing news from the war in Ukraine, surging consumer prices, rising interest rates, and climate news that continue to worsen. 

In the face of these circumstances, the answer, of course, is that we cannot be frozen into inaction, but must push forward in a challenging environment. For our clients and client service team, that means reviewing investment portfolios, objectives, constraints and asset allocations.  


When Inflation and Markets Collide

How did a generation of price stability, moderate economic growth, and low interest rates give way to a spike in borrowing costs, and one of the steepest six-month drawdowns in financial markets since the mid-1970s?


July 2022 Issue

Wealth Management – Insights for Your Financial Future


At Pembroke, we know that wealth management can be a challenge. To help you better understand the key aspects to keep in mind when planning for your financial future, we held an event on this topic.



This report is for the purpose of providing insight into Pembroke and the Pembroke funds. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Any securities listed herein, are for informational purposes only and are not intended and should not be construed as investment advice nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any particular security. Factual information has been taken from sources we believe to be reliable, but its accuracy, completeness or interpretation cannot be guaranteed. Pembroke seeks to ensure that the content of this document is correct and up to date but does not guarantee that the content is accurate and complete and does not assume any responsibility for this. Pembroke is not responsible for decisions or actions taken or made on the basis of information contained in this document.