Our mission is to help Pembroke clients secure their financial future. We believe that applying sound environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles can reduce risk and improve operational, financial and stock price performance.

We therefore integrate the analysis of non-financial factors, including ESG and climate risk factors, into our assessment of companies’ long-term risks and growth prospects. This is done through a process of risk-focused inquiry, engagement and collaboration.

Frameworks for analyzing ESG and climate risk factors are evolving. Pembroke has chosen to support organizations that we believe are shaping these frameworks.

That’s why Pembroke has signed the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and publicly supported the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in 2021.

We believe our support is consistent with our core values and the stewardship activities our clients expect.  As such, we may:

  • include ESG factors in research efforts and investment decisions;
  • engage with management of companies in which the Funds are invested on ESG-related issued through active ownership; and
  • inquire and encourage ESG related disclosures.

Although ESG factors are not a principal strategy for any of Pembroke Funds, the Manager and the portfolio managers of the Funds (except for Pembroke Money Market Fund) use a responsible investment approach as described above.


Pembroke has always sought to ensure that ESG factors were, and continue to be, a consideration in the investment due diligence process. This led to Pembroke’s initiative to become signatories to the UN PRI. As such, we have a continued obligation to integrate, disclose and champion the principles set forth by the governing body. Pembroke’s overarching approach to these can be found in our Responsible Investing Policy and our Stewardship policy. While Pembroke takes seriously our fiduciary responsibilities, we have not labeled, nor do we market, any of our specific funds to be ESG funds.