We create wealth management solutions by understanding your needs and your tolerance for risk and we create lasting relationships when there is a match between your long-term requirements and our ability to add value.

Our solutions are based on the advice we provide and the funds that we offer.

Pembroke’s range of funds allows you to diversify your investments by geography and asset type. The fund documents on this page provide detailed information about each fund. The fund performance tables demonstrate how, especially over shorter periods of time, investment performance can vary between asset classes, regions and funds. Diversification across more than one fund can lower the volatility of returns and is an important component of most clients’ investment plans.

Concentrated StrategyUS Growth StrategyCanadian Growth StrategyCanadian All Cap StrategyInternational Growth StrategyGlobal Equity StrategyDividend Growth StrategyCanadian Balanced StrategyGlobal Balanced StrategyCorporate Bond StrategyCanadian Bond StrategyMoney Market Fund
Fixed Income NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone30%30%100%100%100%
Risk RatingHighMedium-HighMedium-HighMediumMediumMediumMediumLow-MediumLow-MediumLowLowLow
Asset ClassEquitiesEquitiesEquitiesEquitiesEquitiesEquitiesEquitiesEquities + BondEquities + BondBondsBondsCash and cash equivalents
ApproachConcentrated US Small/Mid Cap Growth EquitiesDiversified US Small/Mid Cap Growth EquitiesDiversified Canadian Small/Mid Cap Growth EquitiesDiversified Canadian Large GrowthDiversified International Small/Mid Cap Growth EquitiesVery Diversified Mix of Global EquitiesDiversified Canadian Small/Mid Cap Dividend Paying EquitiesDiversified Canadian Small/Mid Cap Dividend Paying Equities + Investment Grade BondsVery Diversified Balanced Mix of Global Equities + Canadian Corporate and Investment Grade BondsDiversified Canadian and Foreign Corporate BondsDiversified Investment Grade Government and Corporate BondsCanadian high quality, short-term debt securities
GeographyUSUSCanadaCanadaGlobal Excluding US and CanadaGlobalCanadaCanadaGlobalGlobal with Canadian FocusGlobal with Canadian FocusCanada
Current Yield *0.27%0.35%0.99%1.21%1.53%1.64%3.23%3.28%2.06%4.06%3.64%3.45%
*as of December 31, 2024


There are eleven unique Pembroke funds available to create an investment portfolio that works for you. Click the fund names below to review the Performance Update and holdings review for each fund.

FundDescriptionManagerInception Date
Pembroke Money Market fundAims to maximize interest income while preserving capital by investing primarily in high quality, short-term Canadian government debt securitiesPembroke Management Ltd.November 30, 1988
Pembroke Canadian Bond FundPursues income and some capital growth by investing in Canadian government and corporate bonds, debentures and other instrumentsCanso Investment Counsel Ltd.November 30, 1988
Pembroke Corporate Bond FundPursues opportunities in undervalued corporate bonds and other credit instruments, leveraging deep fundamental analysis and active management, while maintaining a disciplined approach to risk.Canso Investment Counsel, Ltd.January 1, 2009*
Pembroke Canadian Balanced FundPursues long-term growth and income by investing in equities, bonds and other marketable securitiesPembroke Management Ltd.November 1, 2006
Pembroke Global Balanced FundPursues long-term capital growth and income through the diversification of assets, geographies and market capitalization in investing primarily in units of public equity funds and units of fixed income funds including units of equity exchange traded fundsPembroke Management Ltd.April 8, 2019
Pembroke Canadian All Cap FundHigh-quality Canadian growth stocksPembroke Management Ltd.January 31, 2019
Pembroke Canadian Growth FundPursues long-term growth through capital appreciation by investing in small to mid-sized Canadian companiesPembroke Management Ltd.November 30, 1988
Pembroke American Growth Fund Inc. (CAD)Pursues long-term growth through capital appreciation by investing in small cap US companiesPembroke Management Ltd.October 1, 1988
Pembroke International Growth Fund - Class APursues long-term growth through capital appreciation by investing in small to mid-sized foreign companies located outside of the United StatesWilliam Blair Investment Management, LLCOctober 31, 1999
Pembroke Concentrated Fund - Class AHigh-quality American and Canadian growth stocksPembroke Management LtdJanuary 31, 2018
Pembroke Dividend Growth FundHigh-quality, dividend-paying Canadian growth stocksPembroke Management Ltd.January 3, 2012**
*From January 1, 2009 to April 8, 2019, units of the Fund were distributed pursuant to an exemption from the prospectus requirement.
** From January 3, 2012 to May 9, 2023, units of the Fund were distributed pursuant to an exemption from the prospectus requirement.

For copies of the Pembroke Pooled Funds’ audited financial statements, please contact your Pembroke representative. Pembroke offers pooled funds to accredited investors only. 


Pembroke offers pooled funds to accredited investors only. Click here to see information on our pooled fund offering.

Policy, Compliance and Registration

Pembroke Canadian Growth Pooled FundHigh-quality Canadian growth stocksPembroke Management Ltd.February 29, 2007
Pembroke U.S. Growth Pooled FundHigh-quality American growth stocksPembroke Management Ltd.December 31, 1999
Pembroke Global Equity Pooled FundHigh quality global growth stocks and units of equity exchange traded funds.Pembroke Management Ltd.March 25, 2021
Pembroke Genesis Pooled Fund-Class APursues long-term growth through capital appreciation by investing in a concentrated portfolio of predominantly Canadian micro-cap and small-cap companiesPembroke Management Ltd.May 31, 2023
Pembroke Global Growth Pooled FundHigh quality global growth stocks.Pembroke Management Ltd.January 2, 2024


We determine the net asset value of each fund in Canadian dollars weekly as at the close of business on each Tuesday, or, if any such Tuesday is not a business day, then on the next business day immediately succeeding it, and on the last business day of each month. The valuation date ends at the earlier of 4 p.m. Eastern Time or the end of a trading day on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Any purchase, switch, or redemption instruction received at or after the end of a valuation date will be processed on the next valuation date.

Please note that since January 31, 2018 our mutual fund prices have been published gross of management fees. If you have any further questions or concerns please contact your Pembroke representative.


Compound Annual Growth Rates (%)

As of February 28, 2025
Pembroke Money Market Fund0.80%0.50%4.02%3.66%2.28%1.45%1.27%
Pembroke Canadian Bond Fund1.71%2.36%8.97%2.60%1.38%1.85%3.57%
Pembroke Corporate Bond Fund1.49%1.63%8.80%5.20%8.35%6.21%n/a
Pembroke Canadian Balanced Fund2 (1.33%)0.22%14.69%9.79%11.84%7.56%n/a
Pembroke Global Balanced Fund(0.29%)0.63%14.31%8.59%10.81%n/an/a
Pembroke Canadian Growth Fund(5.46%)(5.47%)6.09%4.04%10.05%5.69%6.79%
Pembroke American Growth Fund Inc. (CAD)(11.39%)(8.20%)1.14%3.98%9.76%7.15%7.66%
Pembroke American Growth Fund Inc.(USD)(13.88%)(8.35%)(4.77%)(0.31%)8.23%5.65%6.83%
Pembroke International Growth Fund -Class A3.30%1.70%10.92%4.70%7.47%6.73%7.04%
Pembroke Concentrated Fund - Class A(CAD) 2(12.60%)(10.20%)(2.29%)6.56%10.46%n/an/a
Pembroke Concentrated Fund - Class A (US)2 (15.12%)(10.38%)(8.14%)2.01%8.85%n/an/a
Pembroke Dividend Growth Fund*(2.97%)(1.04%)16.49%12.73%16.19%10.43%n/a

Performance is reported in Canadian dollars except where noted and net of transaction costs and net of all other fees, excluding management fees. Management fees are charged directly to securityholders based on their assets under management. Periods greater than one year have been annualized. Index returns do not incur management fees or operating expenses. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value, reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. The performance for the portfolio and benchmark index are measured using the “time weighted” rate of return methodology.

1 – Pembroke Canadian All Cap Pooled Fund was launched January 1, 2020 and made available to retail investors on March 25, 2021. This Fund was converted from a pooled fund to a mutual fund on April 29, 2022. For the period this Fund was a pooled fund, the expenses would have been higher if the Fund was a prospectus mutual fund.

2 – From January 31, 2018 until April 1, 2020, Class A units of the Pembroke Concentrated Fund were distributed pursuant to an exemption from the prospectus requirement.

3 – Pembroke Global Equity Pooled Fund was launched on March 25, 2021.

4 – On March 25, 2021, Pembroke Growth and Income Fund was renamed Pembroke Canadian Balanced Fund.

5 – Pembroke Genesis Pooled Fund was launched on January 31, 2022.

*Effective May 9, 2023 this fund was converted to a mutual fund.

Disclaimer: Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual and pooled fund investments. Please read the prospectus and/or offering documents before investing. Mutual and pooled funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Effective January 1, 2018, all fund performance is reported net of transaction costs and all other expenses, excluding management fees and applicable taxes. Prior to January 1, 2018, with the exception of the Pembroke Corporate Bond Fund, mutual fund performance was reported net of transaction costs and all other expenses, including management fees and applicable taxes. Source: Pembroke Management Ltd.


Pembroke Canadian Growth Pooled Fund*(5.41%)(5.36%)6.19%3.85%9.91%6.23%n/a
Pembroke U.S. Growth Pooled Fund*(11.73%)(8.47%)1.43%4.50%10.44%8.24%9.82%
Pembroke U.S. Growth Pooled Fund(USD)*(14.21%)(8.62%)(4.50%)0.19%8.90%6.71%8.97%
Pembroke Global EquityPooled Fund*3(1.67%)(0.39%)14.06%9.35%n/an/an/a
Pembroke Genesis Pooled Fund - Class A(1.35%)(3.62%)24.66%n/an/an/an/a
Pembroke Global Growth Pooled Fund1.36%4.37%16.22%n/an/an/an/a
Pembroke Genesis Pooled Fund - Founders' Class(0.72%)(3.43%)31.59%20.45%n/an/an/a
Performance is reported as of October 31, 2021, in Canadian dollars except where noted and net of transaction costs and net of all other fees, excluding management fees. Management fees are charged directly to securityholders based on their assets under management. Periods greater than one year have been annualized. Index returns do not incur management fees or operating expenses. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value, reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. The performance for the portfolio and benchmark index are measured using the “time weighted” rate of return methodology.

1 – Pembroke Canadian All Cap Pooled Fund was launched January 1, 2020 and made available to retail investors on March 25, 2021.

2 – From January 31, 2018 until April 1, 2020, Class A units of the Pembroke Concentrated Fund were distributed pursuant to an exemption from the prospectus requirement.

3 – Pembroke Global Equity Pooled Fund was launched on March 25, 2021.

4 – On March 25, 2021, Pembroke Growth and Income Fund was renamed Pembroke Canadian Balanced Fund.

*Pembroke Pooled Funds are prospectus-exempt products that are offered to investors who meet the definition of an “accredited investor” under securities legislation. Disclaimer: Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual and pooled fund investments. Please read the prospectus and/or offering documents before investing. Mutual and pooled funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Effective January 1, 2018, all fund performance is reported net of transaction costs and all other expenses, excluding management fees and applicable taxes. Prior to January 1, 2018, with the exception of the Pembroke Corporate Bond Fund, mutual fund performance was reported net of transaction costs and all other expenses, including management fees and applicable taxes. Source: Pembroke Management Ltd.

Annual Change (%)

Pembroke Money Market Fund4.561.630.140.541.321.280.320.010.050.15
Pembroke Canadian Bond Fund7.21(9.41)(1.78)6.995.551.521.521.052.577.06
Pembroke Corporate Bond Fund9.29(5.36)8.5122.496.201.394.097.811.208.71
Pembroke Canadian Balanced Fund14.47(5.32)13.1518.4115.78(11.37)11.3815.22(7.45)3.31
Pembroke Global Balanced Fund13.04(10.17)13.4419.03n/an/an/an/an/an/a
Pembroke American Growth Fund Inc.(CAD)12.35(21.56)22.8827.7714.647.877.970.97 3.380.83
Pembroke Canadian All Cap Fund18.70(7.46)19.6119.13n/an/an/an/an/an/a
Pembroke Canadian Growth Fund11.40(20.00)17.6428.6926.53(19.34)11.177.22(2.63)2.45
Pembroke American Growth Fund Inc. (USD)15.40(26.57)23.4130.3420.42(0.80)15.564.07(13.34)(7.55)
Pembroke International Growth Fund - Class A13.73(27.69)11.1828.5527.77(14.73)24.19(8.76)32.01(0.08)
Pembroke Concentrated Fund - Class A(CDN)15.48(19.07)14.6237.0525.715.73n/an/an/an/a
Pembroke Concentrated Fund - Class A(US)18.35(24.31)15.5139.30n/an/an/an/an/an/a
Pembroke Dividend Growth Fund17.75(3.33)19.4523.0520.55(15.62)17.2223.47(9.81)3.10

1 – The Pembroke Global Balanced Fund was launched April 8th, 2019.

2 – The Pembroke Corporate Bond Fund was converted from a pooled fund to a mutual fund and renamed The GBC Corporate Bond Fund on April 8th, 2019. The annual Financial Statements of the Fund while a pooled fund are available on our website or upon request, please contact your Pembroke representative. Please note, for the period this Fund was a pooled fund, the expenses would have been higher if the Fund was a prospectus mutual fund.

3 – The Pembroke Genesis Pooled Fund – Founders’ Class was launched on January 31, 2022

4 – The Pembroke Genesis Pooled Fund – Class A was launched on May 31, 2023

*Effective May 9, 2023 this fund was converted to a mutual fund.

Pembroke Canadian Growth Pooled Fund11.33(20.38)17.3828.6726.25(18.62)13.049.04(0.56)4.4935.32
Pembroke U.S. Growth Pooled Fund (CAD)13.81(22.07)23.3329.4715.328.0710.743.285.712.8246.56
Pembroke U.S. Growth Pooled Fund (USD)16.90(27.05)23.8632.0721.13(0.62)18.526.46(11.44)(5.73)37.10
Pembroke Global Equity Pooled Fund15.27(13.52)n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Pembroke Genesis Pooled Fund - Class A*4 n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
Pembroke Genesis Pooled Fund - Founders' Class*3 20.24n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a

All funds are offered for sale solely to residents of Canada.
Commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions, and do not take into account sales charges or income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns. Such funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.
Effective January 1st, 2018, all fund performance is reported net of transaction costs and all other expenses, excluding management fees and applicable taxes. Prior to January 1st, 2018, mutual fund performance was reported net of transaction costs and all other expenses, including management fees and applicable taxes. Management fees are charged directly to security holders based on their assets under management.